Effect chemo hersenen
Effect chemo hersenen | Bekijk ons privacybeleid voor meer informatie. |
Verder leven met chemobrein | Beoordeeld en goedgekeurd door de psycholoog Sergio De Dios González. |
Chemohersenen: het resultaat van de bijwerkingen van chemotherapie | Chemo brain is a common term used by cancer survivors to describe thinking and memory problems that can occur during and after cancer treatment. |
Chemohersenen: het resultaat van de bijwerkingen van chemotherapie | . |
Chemo hersenen werking
Effect chemotherapie
- Verder leven met chemobrein | Kennisbank Learn about the memory and thinking changes that sometimes happen during and after cancer treatment. Find out about chemo brain treatments and ways to cope.
- Chemo brain - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic There are various mechanisms by which chemo-brain occurs in patients post-chemotherapy, including inflammation of neurons, stress due to free radical generation, and .
- What are cognitive changes (chemo brain)? Cognitive changes include problems with memory, concentration and how a person can think. These problems were first reported .
- The higher the dose of chemo, the more likely it is to have an impact. If you're having long-term effects from chemo, talk to your doctor to get tips on how to manage them.