Metro athene kaart

Metrokaartjes athene

  • The options "Card Info" and "Top Up" are for Athena Card. Insert the card into the slot and follow the instructions. Vending machines accept coins, banknotes and bank cards. .
  • Vervoer & Metro in Athene
    1. Map of Athens metro: metro lines and metro stations of Athens Welcome to our exclusive interactive map of the Athens Metro. Use the menus above to view available lines or options and enjoy.
      Kaart van de metro van Athene: metrolijnen en metrostations van Athene Using the Athens Metro is one of the best choices you can make if you want to move around Athens. See the Athens Metro map below, or download here (PDF 1,28Mb). For Airport use .
      Metro, Vervoer & Hop on hop off Bus Athene U vindt op deze pagina de Atheneese metrokaart om af te drukken en te downloaden in PDF.
      Info over toeristenbussen, metro en openbaar vervoer in Athene .
    Vervoer & Metro in Athene .
    Atheense metrokaart .
    Athens metro map .
    Metro athene prijs .
  • Transport in Athene
  • Map of Athens metro
  • Vervoer & Metro in Athene

  • metro athene kaart
  • Kaart van de metro van Athene
  • Map of Athens subway
  • Metro kaartje athene

  • Metrokaartjes athene
  • Metro athene prijs

  • Metro kaartje athene